Operator Learning
Industrial AI Lab at KAIST
Table of Contents
- Problem properties
$$E = 1 \operatorname{pa}, \quad I = 1 \operatorname{kg\cdot m^2}, \quad l = 1 \operatorname{m}, \quad q(x) = wx + w_0 \quad \text{where} \quad w_0 \in [0,2]$$
- The exact solution (Case of $w (x) = 1$) is
$$y(x) = -{1 \over 24}x^4 + {1 \over 6}x^3 - {1 \over 4}x^2$$
1.2. Solve the Euler Beam Problem with Data Driven DeepONet¶
- Make a neural network and loss functions like below :
from google.colab import drive
1.2.1. Import Library¶
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import os
import warnings
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.utils import data
%matplotlib inline
1.2.2. CUDA¶
device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
1.2.3. Random Seed¶
def random_seed(seed = 2021):
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
1.2.4 Define Parameter¶
# Properties
E = 1
I = 1
l = 1
1.2.5. Define Collocation Points¶
'Domain collocation points'
domain_points = np.linspace(0, 1, 25).reshape(-1, 1)
y_init = np.zeros(25)
plt.scatter(domain_points, y_init, s = 30)
plt.title('Collocation points')
1.2.6 Load $q(x)$ and Ground Truth¶
we use 10 distributed loads with varying $w_0$ and $w_1$ for training, and one distributed load for testing.
q_train = np.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/data/beam_bending/q_train.npy')
q_test = np.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/data/beam_bending/q_test.npy')
gt_train = np.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/data/beam_bending/gt_train.npy')
gt_test = np.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/data/beam_bending/gt_test.npy')
print('Loading Condtions for Train: {}'.format(q_train.shape))
print('Ground Truth for Train: {}'.format(gt_train.shape))
print('Loading Condtions for Test: {}'.format(q_test.shape))
print('Ground Truth for Test: {}'.format(gt_test.shape))
Visualize $P(x)$¶
# Plot Code
x_cor = np.linspace(0, 1, 20)
for i in range(10):
if i == 0 or i == 3 or i == 6:
a = q_train[i]
plt.plot(x_cor, a, linestyle = '-', color = 'blue', marker= 'o', markevery = (0, 2))
elif i == 9:
a = q_train[i]
plt.plot(x_cor, a, linestyle = '-', color = 'blue', marker='o', label = 'train', markevery = (0, 2))
plt.plot(x_cor, q_test.reshape(-1), linestyle = '-', color = 'red', marker = 'o', label = 'test (q = 1)', markevery = (0, 2))
plt.title("Distributed Load")
plt.xlim([-0.1, 1.1])
plt.ylim([-0.1, 2.1])
Visualize Ground Truth¶
# Plot Code
x_cor = np.linspace(0, 1, 25)
for i in range(10):
if i == 0 or i == 3 or i == 6:
a = gt_train[i]
plt.plot(x_cor, a, linestyle = '-', color = 'blue', marker= 'o', markevery = (0, 2))
elif i == 9:
a = gt_train[i]
plt.plot(x_cor, a, linestyle = '-', color = 'blue', marker='o', label = 'train', markevery = (0, 2))
plt.plot(x_cor, gt_test.reshape(-1), linestyle = '-', color = 'red', marker = 'o', label = 'test (q = 1)', markevery = (0, 2))
plt.title("Deflection of Euler Beam")
1.2.7. Generate Dataset¶
- Generate a dataset by stacking data for all conditions and collocation points like below:
# Load domain collocation points
num_domain = domain_points.shape[0] # (25, _)
num_condition = q_train.shape[0] # (10, _)
condition_list = []
XY_domain_list = []
gt_list = []
for i in range(num_condition):
con = q_train[i]
conditions = np.vstack([con] * num_domain)
domains = domain_points
gts = gt_train[i].reshape(-1, 1)
conditions_domain = np.vstack(condition_list)
XYs_domain = np.vstack(XY_domain_list)
gts_domain = np.vstack(gt_list)
print('Condtions Domain: {}'.format(conditions_domain.shape))
print('XYs Domain: {}'.format(XYs_domain.shape))
print('GTs Domain: {}'.format(gts_domain.shape))
1.2.8. Data Generator¶
# Data generator
class DataGenerator(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, c, XY, gt, batch_size=64, rng_seed=1234):
self.c = torch.tensor(c, dtype = torch.float32)
self.XY = torch.tensor(XY, dtype = torch.float32)
self.gt = torch.tensor(gt, dtype = torch.float32)
self.N = c.shape[0]
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.seed = rng_seed
def __len__(self):
return (self.N // self.batch_size) + 1
def __getitem__(self, index):
c, XY, gt = self.__data_generation(index)
return c, XY, gt
def __data_generation(self, index):
torch.manual_seed(self.seed + index)
idx = torch.randperm(self.N)[:self.batch_size]
c = self.c[idx, :]
XY = self.XY[idx, :]
gt = self.gt[idx,:]
return c, XY, gt
batch_size = 30000
train_dataset = DataGenerator(conditions_domain, XYs_domain, gts_domain, batch_size)
1.2.9. Define Network and Hyper-parameter¶
class MLP(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim):
self.linears = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(input_dim, 32),
nn.Linear(32, 32),
nn.Linear(32, 32),
nn.Linear(32, 32),
nn.Linear(32, 16)
def forward(self, x):
a = x.float()
return self.linears(a)
random_seed(seed = 2021)
dim_q = q_train[0].shape[0]
# Initialize model
branch_net = MLP(input_dim = dim_q).to(device)
trunk_net = MLP(input_dim = 1).to(device)
optimizer = optim.Adam(list(branch_net.parameters()) + list(trunk_net.parameters()), lr = 5e-4)
Loss_func = nn.MSELoss(reduction='mean')
1.2.10 Define Utility Function¶
def DeepOnet(model, con_, X_):
model = [branch_net, trunk_net]
branch_net = model[0]
trunk_net = model[1]
B = branch_net(con_)
T = trunk_net(X_)
u = torch.sum(B * T, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
return u
def derivative(y, t) :
df = torch.autograd.grad(y, t, create_graph = True, retain_graph = True, grad_outputs = torch.ones(y.size()).to(device))[0]
return df
def requires_grad(x):
return torch.tensor(x, requires_grad = True).to(device)
def PLOT(branch_test, trunk_test):
def exact_solution(x):
return -(x ** 4) / 24 + x ** 3 / 6 - x ** 2 / 4
test_q = q_test[0].reshape(1, 20)
test_qs = np.vstack([test_q] * 25)
test_XYs_domain = np.linspace(0, 1, 25).reshape(-1, 1)
test_XYs_domain = requires_grad(test_XYs_domain)
test_qs = requires_grad(test_qs)
B_test = branch_test(test_qs)
T_test = trunk_test(test_XYs_domain)
test_u = torch.sum(B_test * T_test, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
x_ = np.linspace(0, l, len(test_u))
plt.figure(figsize = (6, 4))
plt.plot(x_, test_u.detach().cpu().numpy(), c = 'r', label = 'Predict u', linestyle = 'dashed', linewidth = 2)
plt.plot(x_, exact_solution(x_), c = 'k', label = 'Exact Solution')
plt.legend(fontsize = 10)
plt.xticks(fontsize = 10)
plt.yticks(fontsize = 10)
plt.xlabel('Time (s)', fontsize = 10)
plt.ylabel('Displacement (m)', fontsize = 10)
plt.title('Test Result', fontsize = 15)
# clear_output(wait=True)
1.2.11. Train¶
num_epochs = 2000
epoch = 0
train_iter = iter(train_dataset)
while epoch < num_epochs + 1:
train_batch = next(train_iter)
con_domain, XY_domain, gt_domain = train_batch
############### Reguires grad #################
con_domain, XY_domain, gt_domain = requires_grad(con_domain), requires_grad(XY_domain), requires_grad(gt_domain)
model = [branch_net, trunk_net]
T_domain = DeepOnet(model, con_domain, XY_domain)
################# Data loss ###################
loss_data = Loss_func(T_domain.float(), gt_domain.float().to(device))
loss = loss_data
# if epoch % 100 == 0:
# with torch.no_grad():
# print('Epoch: {} Loss: {:.6f} '.format(epoch, loss.item()))
if epoch % 500 == 0:
with torch.no_grad():
print('Epoch: {} Loss: {:.6f} '.format(epoch, loss.item()))
PLOT(branch_net, trunk_net)
epoch += 1
1.3 Solve the Euler Beam Problem with Data and Physics-guide DeepONet¶
- Problem properties
$$E = 1 \operatorname{pa}, \quad I = 1 \operatorname{kg\cdot m^2}, \quad l = 1 \operatorname{m}, \quad q(x) = wx + w_0$$
$$\quad \text{where} \quad w \in [-2,2] \quad \text{and} \quad w_0 \in [0,2] $$
- One Dirichlet boundary condition on the left boundary:
$$y(0) = 0$$
- One Neumann boundary condition on the left boundary:
$$y'(0) = 0$$
- Two boundary conditions on the right boundary:
$$y''(1) = 0, \quad y'''(1) = 0$$
- The exact solution (Case of $w (x) = 1$) is
$$y(x) = -{1 \over 24}x^4 + {1 \over 6}x^3 - {1 \over 4}x^2$$
- Make a neural network and loss functions like below :
1.3.1. Define collocation Points¶
'Domain collocation points'
domain_points = np.linspace(0, 1, 25).reshape(-1, 1)
'BC collocation points'
bc_points_x0 = (np.zeros(1)).reshape(-1, 1)
bc_points_x1 = (np.ones(1)).reshape(-1, 1)
y_init = np.zeros(25)
plt.scatter(domain_points, y_init, s = 30)
plt.scatter(bc_points_x0, 0, color = 'r', s = 30)
plt.scatter(bc_points_x1, 0, color = 'r', s = 30)
plt.title('Collocation points')
1.3.2 Generate Dataset¶
Boundary Condition $x_0$¶
num_BC = bc_points_x0.shape[0] # (1, _)
num_condition = q_train.shape[0] # (10, _)
condition_list = []
XY_bc0_list = []
for i in range(num_condition):
con = q_train[i]
conditions = np.vstack([con] * num_BC)
bc_x0 = bc_points_x0
conditions_bc_x0 = np.vstack(condition_list)
XYs_bc_x0 = np.vstack(XY_bc0_list)
print('Conditions BC0: {}'.format(conditions_bc_x0.shape))
print('XYs BC0: {}'.format(XYs_bc_x0.shape))
Boundary Condition $x_1$¶
num_BC = bc_points_x1.shape[0] # (1, _)
num_condition = q_train.shape[0] # (10, _)
condition_list = []
XY_bc1_list = []
for i in range(num_condition):
con = q_train[i]
conditions = np.vstack([con] * num_BC)
bc_x1 = bc_points_x1
conditions_bc_x1 = np.vstack(condition_list)
XYs_bc_x1 = np.vstack(XY_bc1_list)
print('Conditions BC1: {}'.format(conditions_bc_x1.shape))
print('Xs BC1: {}'.format(XYs_bc_x1.shape))
1.3.3. Data Generator¶
'BC generator'
class BCGenerator(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, c, XY, batch_size=64, rng_seed=1234):
self.c = torch.tensor(c, dtype = torch.float32)
self.XY = torch.tensor(XY, dtype = torch.float32)
self.N = c.shape[0]
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.seed = rng_seed
def __len__(self):
return (self.N // self.batch_size) + 1
def __getitem__(self, index):
c, XY = self.__data_generation(index)
return c, XY
def __data_generation(self, index):
torch.manual_seed(self.seed + index)
idx = torch.randperm(self.N)[:self.batch_size]
c = self.c[idx, :]
XY = self.XY[idx, :]
return c, XY
batch_size = 30000
train_bc_x0_dataset = BCGenerator(conditions_bc_x0, XYs_bc_x0, batch_size)
train_bc_x1_dataset = BCGenerator(conditions_bc_x1, XYs_bc_x1, batch_size)
1.3.4. Define Networks and Hyper-parameter¶
class MLP(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim):
self.linears = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(input_dim, 32),
nn.Linear(32, 32),
nn.Linear(32, 32),
nn.Linear(32, 32),
nn.Linear(32, 16)
def forward(self, x):
a = x.float()
return self.linears(a)
random_seed(seed = 5)
dim_q = q_train[0].shape[0]
# Initialize model
branch_net = MLP(input_dim = dim_q).to(device)
trunk_net = MLP(input_dim = 1).to(device)
optimizer = optim.Adam(list(branch_net.parameters()) + list(trunk_net.parameters()), lr = 5e-4)
Loss_func = nn.MSELoss(reduction='mean')
1.3.5. Define Usable Function¶
def PIDeepOnet(model, con_, X_):
model = [branch_net, trunk_net]
branch_net = model[0]
trunk_net = model[1]
B = branch_net(con_)
T = trunk_net(X_)
u = torch.sum(B * T, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
return u
def derivative(y, t) :
df = torch.autograd.grad(y, t, create_graph = True,retain_graph = True, grad_outputs = torch.ones(y.size()).to(device))[0]
return df
def requires_grad(x):
return torch.tensor(x, requires_grad = True).to(device)
def PLOT(branch_test, trunk_test):
def exact_solution(x):
return -(x ** 4) / 24 + x ** 3 / 6 - x ** 2 / 4
test_q = q_test[0].reshape(1, 20)
test_qs = np.vstack([test_q] * 25)
test_XYs_domain = np.linspace(0, 1, 25).reshape(-1, 1)
test_XYs_domain = requires_grad(test_XYs_domain)
test_qs = requires_grad(test_qs)
B_test = branch_test(test_qs)
T_test = trunk_test(test_XYs_domain)
test_u = torch.sum(B_test * T_test, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
x_ = np.linspace(0, l, len(test_u))
plt.figure(figsize = (6, 4))
plt.plot(x_, test_u.detach().cpu().numpy(), c = 'r', label = 'Predict u', linestyle = 'dashed', linewidth = 2)
plt.plot(x_, exact_solution(x_), c = 'k', label = 'Exact Solution')
plt.legend(fontsize = 10)
plt.xticks(fontsize = 10)
plt.yticks(fontsize = 10)
plt.xlabel('Time (s)', fontsize = 10)
plt.ylabel('Displacement (m)', fontsize = 10)
plt.title('Test Result', fontsize = 15)
# clear_output(wait=True)
1.3.6. Define Boundary Condition¶
- One Dirichlet boundary condition on the left boundary:
$$y(0) = 0$$
- One Neumann boundary condition on the left boundary:
$$y'(0) = 0$$
- Two boundary conditions on the right boundary:
$$y''(1) = 0, \quad y'''(1) = 0$$
def BC_x0(model, c_x0, XY_x0):
u_0 = PIDeepOnet(model, c_x0, XY_x0)
u_x_0 = derivative(u_0, XY_x0)
return u_0.float(), u_x_0.float()
def BC_x1(model, c_x1, XY_x1):
u_1 = PIDeepOnet(model, c_x1, XY_x1)
u_x_1 = derivative(u_1, XY_x1)
u_xx_1 = derivative(u_x_1, XY_x1)
u_xxx_1 = derivative(u_xx_1, XY_x1)
return u_xx_1.float(), u_xxx_1.float()
1.3.6. Train¶
num_epochs = 2000
epoch = 0
train_iter = iter(train_dataset)
train_bc_x0_iter = iter(train_bc_x0_dataset)
train_bc_x1_iter = iter(train_bc_x1_dataset)
while epoch < num_epochs + 1:
train_batch = next(train_iter)
train_bc_x0_batch = next(train_bc_x0_iter)
train_bc_x1_batch = next(train_bc_x1_iter)
con_domain, XY_domain, gt_domain = train_batch
con_x0, XY_x0 = train_bc_x0_batch
con_x1, XY_x1 = train_bc_x1_batch
############### Reguires grad #################
con_domain, XY_domain, gt_domain = requires_grad(con_domain), requires_grad(XY_domain), requires_grad(gt_domain)
con_x0, XY_x0 = requires_grad(con_x0), requires_grad(XY_x0)
con_x1, XY_x1 = requires_grad(con_x1), requires_grad(XY_x1)
model = [branch_net, trunk_net]
T_domain = PIDeepOnet(model, con_domain, XY_domain)
################# Data Loss ####################
loss_data = Loss_func(T_domain.float(), gt_domain.float().to(device))
################## BC Loss #####################
u_x0, du_x0 = BC_x0(model, con_x0, XY_x0)
ddu_x1, dddu_x1 = BC_x1(model, con_x1, XY_x1)
loss_BC_x0_1 = Loss_func(u_x0, torch.zeros_like(u_x0).to(device))
loss_BC_x0_2 = Loss_func(du_x0, torch.zeros_like(du_x0).to(device))
loss_BC_x1_1 = Loss_func(ddu_x1, torch.zeros_like(ddu_x1).to(device))
loss_BC_x1_2 = Loss_func(dddu_x1, torch.zeros_like(dddu_x1).to(device))
loss_bc = loss_BC_x0_1 + loss_BC_x0_2 + loss_BC_x1_1 + loss_BC_x1_2
loss = loss_data + loss_bc
if epoch % 500 == 0:
with torch.no_grad():
print('Epoch: {} Loss: {:.6f} '.format(epoch, loss.item()))
PLOT(branch_net, trunk_net)
epoch += 1
Based on Kirchhoff-Love plate theory, three hypotheses were used
- straight lines normal to the mid-surface remain straight after deformation
- straight lines normal to the mid-surface remain normal to the mid-surface after deformation
- the thickness of the plate does not change during a deformation
A non-uniform stretching force is applied to square elastic plate
Only one quarter of the plate is considered since the geometry and in-plane forces are symmetric (yellow domain)
- Problem properties
$$ E = 50 \operatorname{Mpa}, \quad \nu = 0.3, \quad \omega = 20 \operatorname{mm}, \quad h = 1 \operatorname{mm}, \quad f \operatorname{Mpa} \in [0.5, 1.5] $$
- Governing equations (Föppl–von Kármán equations) for the isotropic elastic plate:
$$ \begin{align*} &{E \over 1 - \nu^2}\left({\partial^2 u \over \partial x^2} + {1 - \nu \over 2}{\partial^2 u \over \partial y^2} + {1 + \nu \over 2}{\partial^2 v \over \partial x \partial y} \right) = 0\\\\ &{E \over 1 - \nu^2}\left({\partial^2 v \over \partial y^2} + {1 - \nu \over 2}{\partial^2 v \over \partial x^2} + {1 + \nu \over 2}{\partial^2 x \over \partial x \partial y} \right) = 0 \end{align*} $$
- Two Dirichlet boundary conditions at $x = 0,\, y = 0\; (B.C.①, B.C.②)$:
$$ v(x,y) = 0 \qquad \text{at} \quad y = 0\\\\ u(x,y) = 0 \qquad \text{at} \quad x = 0 $$
- Two free boundary conditions at $y = \omega / 2\; (B.C.③)$:
$$ \sigma_{yy} = 0,\quad \sigma_{yx} = 0 $$
- Free boundary condition and in-plane force boundary condition at $x = \omega / 2\; (B.C.④)$:
$$ \sigma_{xx} = P \centerdot h,\quad \sigma_{xy} = 0 $$
- Make a neural network and loss funcitons like below:
2.1.1 Numerical Solution¶
Numerical solution of test case is one is illustrated in below figures:
The case of $f$ = 1
$x, y$ direction displacement and stress $u$, $v$, $\sigma_{xx}$, $\sigma_{yy}$, respectively
Solve this problem using PI-DeepONet and then compare with a numerical solution
from google.colab import drive
2.2 Solve the Thin Plate Problem with PI-DeepONet¶
2.2.1 Load Library¶
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import os
import warnings
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.utils import data
%matplotlib inline
2.2.2. CUDA¶
device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
2.2.3. Random Seed¶
def random_seed(seed = 5):
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
2.2.4. Define Properties¶
# Properties
E = 50
nu = 0.3
a = 10
w = 10
h = 1
2.2.5. Generate Collocation Points¶
Nx = 50 # Number of samples
Ny = 50 # Number of samples
x = np.linspace(0, w, Nx) # Input data for x (Nx x 1)
y = np.linspace(0, w, Ny) # Input data for y (Ny x 1)
xy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
xy_domain = np.concatenate((xy[0].reshape(-1, 1), xy[1].reshape(-1, 1)), 1)
xy_left = xy_domain[xy_domain[:, 0] == 0]
xy_right = xy_domain[xy_domain[: ,0] == w]
xy_top = xy_domain[xy_domain[:, 1] == w]
xy_bottom = xy_domain[xy_domain[:, 1] == 0]
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
plt.scatter(xy_domain[:, 0], xy_domain[:, 1], s=10, color='gray', label='Interior')
plt.scatter(xy_bottom[:, 0], xy_bottom[:, 1], s=10, color='red', label='Bottom')
plt.scatter(xy_top[:, 0], xy_top[:, 1], s=10, color='blue', label='Top')
plt.scatter(xy_left[:, 0], xy_left[:, 1], s=10, color='green', label='Left')
plt.scatter(xy_right[:, 0], xy_right[:, 1], s=10, color='purple', label='Right')
plt.title('Collocation Points')
2.2.6. Load $P(x)$¶
# Define Condition parameter
full_f = [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5]
f_train= [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5]
f_test = [1]
P_train = np.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/data/thin_plate/tp_P_train.npy')
P_test = np.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/data/thin_plate/tp_P_test.npy')
print('Loading Condtions for Train: {}'.format(P_train.shape))
print('Loading Condtions for Test: {}'.format(P_test.shape))
x_cor = np.linspace(0, 10, 250)
plt.plot(x_cor, P_test[0], color = 'red', label = 'test (f=1)', linewidth = 2, marker= 'o', markevery = (0, 10))
plt.plot(x_cor, P_train[3], color = 'blue', label = 'train' ,linewidth = 2, marker= 'o', markevery = (0, 10))
plt.plot(x_cor, P_train[6], color = 'blue', linewidth = 2, marker= 'o', markevery = (0, 10))
plt.plot(x_cor, P_train[9], color = 'blue', linewidth = 2, marker= 'o', markevery = (0, 10))
plt.title('P Plot')
2.2.7. Generate Dataset¶
- Generate a dataset by stacking data for all conditions and collocation points like below:
num_domain = xy_domain.shape[0] # (2500,_)
num_condition = P_train.shape[0] #(10,_)
condition_list = []
XY_domain_list = []
for i in range(num_condition):
con = P_train[i]
conditions = np.vstack([con] * num_domain)
domains = xy_domain
conditions_domain = np.vstack(condition_list)
XYs_domain = np.vstack(XY_domain_list)
print('Condtions Domain: {}'.format(conditions_domain.shape))
print('XYs Domain: {}'.format(XYs_domain.shape))
Boundary Condition¶
Boundary Condition $x_0$¶
num_BC = xy_left.shape[0] # (50,_)
num_condition = P_train.shape[0] # (10,_)
condition_list = []
XY_left_list = []
for i in range(num_condition):
con = P_train[i]
conditions = np.vstack([con] * num_BC)
XYs_bc_left = xy_left
conditions_left = np.vstack(condition_list)
XYs_left = np.vstack(XY_left_list)
print('Conditions BC x0: {}'.format(conditions_left.shape))
print('XYs BC x0: {}'.format(XYs_left.shape))
Boundary Condition $x_1$¶
num_BC = xy_right.shape[0] # (50,_)
num_condition = P_train.shape[0] # (10,_)
condition_list = []
XY_right_list = []
for i in range(num_condition):
con = P_train[i]
conditions = np.vstack([con] * num_BC)
XYs_bc_right = xy_right
conditions_right = np.vstack(condition_list)
XYs_right = np.vstack(XY_right_list)
print('Conditions BC x1: {}'.format(conditions_right.shape))
print('XYs BC x1: {}'.format(XYs_right.shape))
Boundary Condition $y_0$¶
num_BC = xy_bottom.shape[0] # (50,_)
num_condition = P_train.shape[0] # (10,_)
condition_list = []
XY_bottom_list = []
for i in range(num_condition):
con = P_train[i]
conditions = np.vstack([con] * num_BC)
XYs_bc_bottom = xy_bottom
conditions_bottom = np.vstack(condition_list)
XYs_bottom = np.vstack(XY_bottom_list)
print('Conditions BC y0: {}'.format(conditions_bottom.shape))
print('XYs BC y0: {}'.format(XYs_bottom.shape))
Boundary Condition $y_1$¶
num_BC = xy_top.shape[0] # (50,_)
num_condition = P_train.shape[0] # (10,_)
condition_list = []
XY_top_list = []
for i in range(num_condition):
con = P_train[i]
conditions = np.vstack([con] * num_BC)
XYs_bc_top = xy_top
conditions_top = np.vstack(condition_list)
XYs_top = np.vstack(XY_top_list)
print('Conditions BC y1: {}'.format(conditions_top.shape))
print('XYs BC y1: {}'.format(XYs_top.shape))
# Data generator
class DataGenerator(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, c, XY, batch_size=64, rng_seed=1234):
self.c = torch.tensor(c, dtype = torch.float32)
self.XY = torch.tensor(XY, dtype = torch.float32)
self.N = c.shape[0]
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.seed = rng_seed
def __len__(self):
return (self.N // self.batch_size) + 1
def __getitem__(self, index):
c, XY = self.__data_generation(index)
return c, XY
def __data_generation(self, index):
torch.manual_seed(self.seed + index)
idx = torch.randperm(self.N)[:self.batch_size]
c = self.c[idx, :]
XY = self.XY[idx, :]
return c, XY
batch_size = 30000
train_domain = DataGenerator(conditions_domain, XYs_domain, batch_size)
train_left = DataGenerator(conditions_left, XYs_left, batch_size)
train_right = DataGenerator(conditions_right, XYs_right, batch_size)
train_bottom = DataGenerator(conditions_bottom, XYs_bottom, batch_size)
train_top = DataGenerator(conditions_top, XYs_top, batch_size)
2.2.8. Define Neural Networks and Hyper-parameter¶
class MLP(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim):
self.linears = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(input_dim, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 100)
def _initialize_weights(self):
for m in self.modules():
if isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
def forward(self, x):
a = x.float()
return self.linears(a)
# Initialize model
dim_P = P_train[0].shape[0]
branch_net_u = MLP(input_dim = dim_P).to(device)
branch_net_v = MLP(input_dim = dim_P).to(device)
trunk_net_u = MLP(input_dim = 2).to(device)
trunk_net_v = MLP(input_dim = 2).to(device)
optimizer = optim.Adam(
list(branch_net_u.parameters()) + list(branch_net_v.parameters()) +
list(trunk_net_u.parameters()) + list(trunk_net_v.parameters()) ,lr=5e-4)
Loss_func = nn.MSELoss(reduction='mean')
2.2.9. Define Utility Function¶
def PIDeepOnet(model, con_, X_):
model = [branch_net_u, branch_net_v, trunk_net_u, trunk_net_v]
branch_net_u = model[0]
branch_net_v = model[1]
trunk_net_u = model[2]
trunk_net_v = model[3]
B1 = branch_net_u(con_)
B2 = branch_net_v(con_)
T1 = trunk_net_u(X_)
T2 = trunk_net_v(X_)
u = torch.sum(B1 * T1, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
v = torch.sum(B2 * T2, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
return u, v
def derivative(y, t) :
df = torch.autograd.grad(y, t, create_graph=True,retain_graph = True, grad_outputs=torch.ones(y.size()).to(device))[0]
df_x = df[:, 0:1]
df_y = df[:, 1:2]
return df_x, df_y
def requires_grad(x):
return torch.tensor(x,requires_grad=True).to(device)
from IPython.display import clear_output
def check_stress(model, test_XYs, test_Ps):
branch_net_u, branch_net_v, trunk_net_u, trunk_net_v = model[0], model[1], model[2], model[3]
B1_test = branch_net_u(test_Ps)
B2_test = branch_net_v(test_Ps)
T1_test = trunk_net_u(test_XYs)
T2_test = trunk_net_v(test_XYs)
u = torch.sum(B1_test * T1_test, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
v = torch.sum(B2_test * T2_test, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
du_x, _ = derivative(u, test_XYs)
_, dv_y = derivative(v, test_XYs)
sig_xx = (du_x + nu * dv_y) * E / (1 - nu**2)
sig_yy = (dv_y + nu * du_x) * E / (1 - nu**2)
return sig_xx, sig_yy
def PLOT(branch_net_u, branch_net_v, trunk_net_u, trunk_net_v):
test_points = xy_domain.copy()
num_points = len(test_points)
test_Ps = np.vstack([P_test]*num_points)
test_XYs = test_points
test_Ps = requires_grad(test_Ps)
test_XYs = requires_grad(test_XYs)
color_legend = [[0, 0.182], [-0.06, 0.011], [-0.0022,1.0], [-0.15, 0.45]]
title = ['x-displacement ($u$)', 'y-displacement ($v$)', '$\sigma_{xx}$', '$\sigma_{yy}$']
B1_test = branch_net_u(torch.tensor(test_Ps).to(device))
B2_test = branch_net_v(torch.tensor(test_Ps).to(device))
T1_test = trunk_net_u(torch.tensor(test_XYs).to(device))
T2_test = trunk_net_v(torch.tensor(test_XYs).to(device))
test_u = torch.sum(B1_test*T1_test, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
test_v = torch.sum(B2_test*T2_test, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
test_sig_x, test_sig_y = check_stress([branch_net_u, branch_net_v, trunk_net_u,trunk_net_v], test_XYs, test_Ps)
test_results = torch.cat((test_u, test_v, test_sig_x, test_sig_y), dim=1)
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5))
for idx in range(4):
c = test_results.detach().cpu().numpy()[:, idx],
cmap = 'rainbow',
s = 7)
plt.title(title[idx], fontsize = 13)
plt.xlabel('x (mm)', fontsize = 12)
plt.ylabel('y (mm)', fontsize = 12)
plt.xlim(0, 10)
plt.ylim(0, 10)
# plt.savefig('./images/{}.png'.format(epoch))
return test_u, test_v, test_sig_x, test_sig_y
2.2.10. Define PDE with Boundary Conditions¶
- Governing equations (Föppl–von Kármán equations) for the isotropic elastic plate:
$$ \begin{align*} &{E \over 1 - \nu^2}\left({\partial^2 u \over \partial x^2} + {1 - \nu \over 2}{\partial^2 u \over \partial y^2} + {1 + \nu \over 2}{\partial^2 v \over \partial x \partial y} \right) = 0\\\\ &{E \over 1 - \nu^2}\left({\partial^2 v \over \partial y^2} + {1 - \nu \over 2}{\partial^2 v \over \partial x^2} + {1 + \nu \over 2}{\partial^2 x \over \partial x \partial y} \right) = 0 \end{align*} $$
def PDE(model, c_domain, XY_domain):
u, v = PIDeepOnet(model, c_domain, XY_domain)
du_x, du_y = derivative(u, XY_domain)
du_xx, du_xy = derivative(du_x, XY_domain)
_, du_yy = derivative(du_y, XY_domain)
dv_x, dv_y = derivative(v, XY_domain)
dv_xx, dv_xy = derivative(dv_x, XY_domain)
_, dv_yy = derivative(dv_y, XY_domain)
force_eq_x = (du_xx + 0.5 * (1 - nu) * du_yy + 0.5 * (1 + nu) * dv_xy) * E / (1 - nu**2)
force_eq_y = (dv_yy + 0.5 * (1 - nu) * dv_xx + 0.5 * (1 + nu) * du_xy) * E / (1 - nu**2)
return force_eq_x.float(), force_eq_y.float()
- Two Dirichlet boundary conditions at $x = 0,\, y = 0\; (B.C.①, B.C.②)$:
$$ v(x,y) = 0 \qquad \text{at} \quad y = 0\\\\ u(x,y) = 0 \qquad \text{at} \quad x = 0 $$
- Two free boundary conditions at $y = \omega / 2\; (B.C.③)$:
$$ \sigma_{yy} = 0,\quad \sigma_{yx} = 0 $$
- Free boundary condition and in-plane force boundary condition at $x = \omega / 2\; (B.C.④)$:
$$ \sigma_{xx} = P \centerdot h,\quad \sigma_{xy} = 0 $$
def BC_bottom(model, con_bottom, XY_bottom):
_, v = PIDeepOnet(model, con_bottom, XY_bottom)
return v.float()
def BC_left(model, con_left, XY_left):
u, _ = PIDeepOnet(model, con_left, XY_left)
return u.float()
def BC_top(model, con_top, XY_top):
u, v = PIDeepOnet(model, con_top, XY_top)
du_x, du_y = derivative(u, XY_top)
dv_x, dv_y = derivative(v, XY_top)
sig_xy = (dv_x + du_y) * E / (1 + nu) / 2
sig_yy = (dv_y + nu * du_x) * E / (1 - nu**2)
return sig_xy.float(), sig_yy.float()
def BC_right(model, con_right, XY_right):
u, v = PIDeepOnet(model, con_right, XY_right)
du_x, du_y = derivative(u, XY_right)
dv_x, dv_y = derivative(v, XY_right)
sig_xx = (du_x + nu * dv_y) * E / (1 - nu**2)
sig_xy = (dv_x + du_y) * E / (1 + nu) / 2
sig_ex = con_right[:, 0:1] * h * torch.cos(math.pi / (2 * w) * XY_right[:, 1:2]).reshape(-1, 1)
sig_xx_ex = sig_xx.float() - sig_ex.float()
return sig_xx_ex.float(), sig_xy.float()
epoch = 0
num_epochs = 50000
min_loss = np.inf
2.2.12. Train¶
train_domain_iter= iter(train_domain)
train_left_iter= iter(train_left)
train_right_iter= iter(train_right)
train_bottom_iter= iter(train_bottom)
train_top_iter= iter(train_top)
while epoch < num_epochs + 1:
train_domain_batch = next(train_domain_iter)
train_bottom_batch = next(train_bottom_iter)
train_left_batch = next(train_left_iter)
train_top_batch = next(train_top_iter)
train_right_batch = next(train_right_iter)
con_domain, XY_domain = train_domain_batch
con_bottom, XY_bottom = train_bottom_batch
con_left, XY_left = train_left_batch
con_top, XY_top = train_top_batch
con_right, XY_right = train_right_batch
############### Reguires grad #################
con_domain, XY_domain = requires_grad(con_domain), requires_grad(XY_domain)
con_left, XY_left = requires_grad(con_left), requires_grad(XY_left)
con_right, XY_right = requires_grad(con_right), requires_grad(XY_right)
con_bottom, XY_bottom = requires_grad(con_bottom), requires_grad(XY_bottom)
con_top, XY_top = requires_grad(con_top), requires_grad(XY_top)
model = [branch_net_u, branch_net_v, trunk_net_u, trunk_net_v]
################# PDE Loss #####################
force_eq_x, force_eq_y = PDE(model, con_domain, XY_domain)
loss_PDE_x = Loss_func(force_eq_x, torch.zeros_like(force_eq_x).to(device))
loss_PDE_y = Loss_func(force_eq_y, torch.zeros_like(force_eq_y).to(device))
loss_PDE = loss_PDE_x + loss_PDE_y
################## BC Loss #####################
bottom_v = BC_bottom(model, con_bottom, XY_bottom)
left_u = BC_left(model, con_left, XY_left)
top_sig_xy, top_sig_yy = BC_top(model, con_top, XY_top)
right_sig_xx_ex, right_sig_xy = BC_right(model, con_right, XY_right)
loss_BC_bottom = Loss_func(bottom_v,torch.zeros_like(bottom_v)).to(device)
loss_BC_left = Loss_func(left_u, torch.zeros_like(left_u)).to(device)
loss_BC_top_1 = Loss_func(top_sig_xy, torch.zeros_like(top_sig_xy)).to(device)
loss_BC_top_2 = Loss_func(top_sig_yy, torch.zeros_like(top_sig_yy)).to(device)
loss_BC_top = loss_BC_top_1 + loss_BC_top_2
loss_BC_right_1 = Loss_func(right_sig_xx_ex, torch.zeros_like(right_sig_xx_ex)).to(device)
loss_BC_right_2 = Loss_func(right_sig_xy, torch.zeros_like(right_sig_xy)).to(device)
loss_BC_right = loss_BC_right_1 + loss_BC_right_2
loss_BC = loss_BC_left + loss_BC_bottom + loss_BC_right + loss_BC_top
loss = loss_PDE + loss_BC
if epoch % 100 == 0:
print('Epoch: {} Loss: {:.6f} PDELoss: {:.6f} BCLoss: {:.6f}'.format(epoch, loss.item(), loss_PDE.item(), loss_BC.item()))
PLOT(branch_net_u, branch_net_v, trunk_net_u, trunk_net_v)
epoch += 1
2.2.13. Test Pretrained Model¶
branch_u_trained = torch.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/weight/thin_plate/tp_branch_net_u.pt')
branch_v_trained = torch.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/weight/thin_plate/tp_branch_net_v.pt')
trunk_u_trained = torch.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/weight/thin_plate/tp_trunk_net_u.pt')
trunk_v_trained = torch.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/weight/thin_plate/tp_trunk_net_v.pt')
test_u, test_v, test_sig_x, test_sig_y = PLOT(branch_u_trained, branch_v_trained, trunk_u_trained, trunk_v_trained)
Plate_data = np.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/data/thin_plate/Plate_data.npy')
loc = Plate_data[:, 0:2]
u = Plate_data[:, 2:3]
v = Plate_data[:, 3:4]
stress = Plate_data[:, 4:6]
def RESULT(model_test, con_test, XY_test):
pde_u, pde_v = PIDeepOnet(model_test, con_test, XY_test)
pde_disp = np.hstack([pde_u.cpu().detach().numpy(), pde_v.cpu().detach().numpy()])
sig_x, sig_y = check_stress(model_test, XY_test, con_test)
pde_sig = np.hstack([sig_x.cpu().detach().numpy(), sig_y.cpu().detach().numpy()])
return pde_disp, pde_sig
diag_ = [i for i in range(u.shape[0]) if loc[i, 0] + loc[i, 1] == 10]
diag_x = np.linspace(0, 10, 101).reshape(-1, 1)
diag_y = -diag_x + 10
diag = np.concatenate((diag_x, diag_y), 1)
XY_test = diag
con_test = np.vstack([P_test] * XY_test.shape[0])
con_test, XY_test = requires_grad(con_test), requires_grad(XY_test)
model_test = [branch_u_trained, branch_v_trained, trunk_u_trained, trunk_v_trained]
results = {
"FEM": [u[diag_], v[diag_], stress[diag_, 0], stress[diag_, 1]],
"PI-DeepONet": RESULT(model_test, con_test, XY_test),
for key in ["PI-DeepONet"]:
disp, sig = results[key]
results[key] = [disp[:, 0], disp[:, 1], sig[:, 0], sig[:, 1]]
titles = ['x-displacement ($u$)', 'y-displacement ($v$)', '$\sigma_{xx}$', '$\sigma_{yy}$']
line_styles = {'FEM': 'k', 'PI-DeepONet': '--'}
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 9))
for idx, title in enumerate(titles):
plt.subplot(2, 2, idx + 1)
for label, result in results.items():
plt.plot(diag[:, 0], result[idx], line_styles[label], linewidth=3, label=label)
plt.xlabel('x (mm)', fontsize=15)
plt.ylabel(title, fontsize=15)
plt.xlim((0, 10))
- Problem properties
$$\rho = 1\operatorname{kg/m^3}, \quad \mu \operatorname{N\cdot s/m^2} \in [0.002, 0.02] , \quad D = 2h = 1\operatorname{m}, \quad L = 2\operatorname{m}, \quad u_{in} = 1\operatorname{m/s}, \quad \nu = \frac{\mu}{\rho}$$
- 2D Navier-Stokes Equations & boundary conditions (for steady state)
$$ \begin{align*} \rho \left(u{\partial u \over \partial x} + v{\partial u \over \partial y} + {1 \over \rho}{\partial p \over \partial x}\right) - \mu \ \left({\partial^2 u \over {\partial x^2}} + {\partial^2 u \over {\partial y^2}}\right) &= 0\\\\ \rho \left(u{\partial v \over \partial x} + v{\partial v \over \partial y} + {1 \over \rho}{\partial p \over \partial y}\right) - \mu \ \left({\partial^2 v \over {\partial x^2}} + {\partial^2 v \over {\partial y^2}}\right) &= 0\\\\ {\partial u \over \partial x} + {\partial v \over \partial y} &= 0 \end{align*} $$
- Two Dirichlet boundary conditions on the plate boundary (no-slip condition)
$$u(x,y) = 0, \quad v(x,y) = 0 \qquad \text{at} \quad y = \frac{D}{2} \ \; \text{or} \; -\frac{D}{2}$$
- Two Dirichlet boundary conditions at the inlet boundary (no-slip condition)
$$u(-1,y) = u_{\text{in}}, \quad v(-1,y) = 0$$
- Two Dirichlet boundary conditions at the outlet boundary
$$p(1,y) = 0, \quad v(1,y) = 0$$
- Two Dirichlet boundary conditions at the cylinder boundary
$$u(\text{cylinder}) = 0, \quad v(\text{cylinder}) = 0$$
- Make a neural network and loss functions like below :
from google.colab import drive
3.2. Solve the Navier-Stokes Equations with PI-DeepONet¶
3.2.1.Load Library¶
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.utils import data
%matplotlib inline
import os
import warnings
3.2.2. CUDA¶
device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
3.2.3. Random Seed¶
def random_seed(seed = 2021):
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
3.2.4. Define Conditions and Load Data¶
vis_list = np.array([0.002, 0.004, 0.006, 0.008, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.2]).reshape(-1, 1) # 11
vis_train = np.array([0.002, 0.004, 0.008, 0.01, 0.02, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.2]).reshape(-1, 1) # 9
vis_test = np.array([0.006, 0.04]).reshape(-1, 1) # 2
print("Number of train condition: {}".format(len(vis_train)))
print("Number of test condition: {}".format(len(vis_test)))
train_xy_domain = np.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/data/viscosity/viscosity_train_xy_domain.npy')
train_gt_domain = np.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/data/viscosity/viscosity_train_gt_domain.npy')
test_xy_domain = np.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/data/viscosity/viscosity_test_xy_domain.npy')
test_gt_domain = np.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/data/viscosity/viscosity_test_gt_domain.npy')
print("train XY shape: {}".format(train_xy_domain.shape))
print("train gt shape: {}".format(train_gt_domain.shape))
print("test XY shape: {}".format(test_xy_domain.shape))
print("test gt shape: {}".format(test_gt_domain.shape))
3.2.5. Generate collocation points¶
domain_points = train_xy_domain[0]
Boundary Condition¶
bc_top_x = np.linspace(-0.5, 1.5, 200).reshape(-1, 1)
bc_top_y = 0.5 * np.ones_like(bc_top_x).reshape(-1, 1)
bc_bottom_x = np.linspace(-0.5, 1.5, 200).reshape(-1, 1)
bc_bottom_y = -0.5 * np.ones_like(bc_bottom_x).reshape(-1, 1)
bc_inlet_y = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 100).reshape(-1, 1)
bc_inlet_x = -0.5 * np.ones_like(bc_inlet_y).reshape(-1, 1)
bc_outlet_y = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 100).reshape(-1, 1)
bc_outlet_x = 1.5 * np.ones_like(bc_outlet_y).reshape(-1, 1)
radius = 0.05
theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 200)
bc_cylinder_x = (0 + radius * np.cos(theta)).reshape(-1, 1)
bc_cylinder_y = (0 + radius * np.sin(theta)).reshape(-1, 1)
bc_top_points = np.hstack((bc_top_x, bc_top_y))
bc_bottom_points = np.hstack((bc_bottom_x, bc_bottom_y))
bc_inlet_points = np.hstack((bc_inlet_x, bc_inlet_y))
bc_outlet_points = np.hstack((bc_outlet_x, bc_outlet_y))
bc_cylinder_points = np.hstack((bc_cylinder_x, bc_cylinder_y))
bc_wall_points = np.concatenate((bc_top_points, bc_bottom_points, bc_cylinder_points), 0)
plt.scatter(domain_points[:, 0], domain_points[:, 1], s = 1)
plt.scatter(bc_wall_points[:, 0], bc_wall_points[:, 1], s = 5)
plt.scatter(bc_inlet_points[:, 0], bc_inlet_points[:, 1], s = 5)
plt.scatter(bc_outlet_points[:, 0], bc_outlet_points[:, 1], s = 5)
plt.title('Collocation Points')
3.2.6. Generate Dataset¶
- Generate a dataset by stacking data for all conditions and collocation points like below:
# Domain dataset
num_domain = domain_points.shape[0] # (19692, _)
num_condition = vis_train.shape[0] #(9, _)
condition_list = []
XY_domain_list = []
gt_list = []
for i in range(num_condition):
con = vis_train[i]
conditions = np.vstack([con] * num_domain)
domains = domain_points
gts = train_gt_domain[i]
conditions_domain = np.vstack(condition_list)
XYs_domain = np.vstack(XY_domain_list)
gts_domain = np.vstack(gt_list)
print('Condtions Domain: {}'.format(conditions_domain.shape))
print('XYs Domain: {}'.format(XYs_domain.shape))
print('GTs Domain: {}'.format(gts_domain.shape))
Boundary Condition¶
BC Inlet¶
num_BC = bc_inlet_points.shape[0] # (100,_)
num_condition = vis_train.shape[0] # (9,_)
condition_list = []
bc_list = []
for i in range(num_condition):
con = vis_train[i]
conditions = np.vstack([con] * num_BC)
XYs_bc_inlet = bc_inlet_points
conditions_bc_inlet = np.vstack(condition_list)
XYs_bc_inlet = np.vstack(bc_list)
print('Condtions BC: {}'.format(conditions_bc_inlet.shape))
print('XYs BC: {}'.format(XYs_bc_inlet.shape))
BC Wall¶
num_BC = bc_wall_points.shape[0] # (200,_)
num_condition = vis_train.shape[0] # (9,_)
condition_list = []
bc_list = []
for i in range(num_condition):
con = vis_train[i]
conditions = np.vstack([con] * num_BC)
XYs_bc_wall = bc_wall_points
conditions_bc_wall = np.vstack(condition_list)
XYs_bc_wall = np.vstack(bc_list)
print('Condtions BC: {}'.format(conditions_bc_wall.shape))
print('XYs BC: {}'.format(XYs_bc_wall.shape))
BC Outlet¶
num_BC = bc_outlet_points.shape[0] # (250,_)
num_condition = vis_train.shape[0] # (10,_)
condition_list = []
bc_list = []
for i in range(num_condition):
con = vis_train[i]
conditions = np.vstack([con] * num_BC)
XYs_bc_outlet = bc_outlet_points
conditions_bc_outlet = np.vstack(condition_list)
XYs_bc_outlet = np.vstack(bc_list)
print('Condtions BC: {}'.format(conditions_bc_outlet.shape))
print('XYs BC: {}'.format(XYs_bc_outlet.shape))
3.2.7. Data Generator¶
# Data generator
class DataGenerator(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, c, XY, gt, batch_size=64, rng_seed=1234):
self.c = torch.tensor(c, dtype = torch.float32)
self.XY = torch.tensor(XY, dtype = torch.float32)
self.gt = torch.tensor(gt, dtype = torch.float32)
self.N = c.shape[0]
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.seed = rng_seed
def __len__(self):
return (self.N // self.batch_size) + 1
def __getitem__(self, index):
c, XY, gt = self.__data_generation(index)
return c, XY, gt
def __data_generation(self, index):
torch.manual_seed(self.seed + index)
idx = torch.randperm(self.N)[:self.batch_size]
c = self.c[idx, :]
XY = self.XY[idx, :]
gt = self.gt[idx,:]
return c, XY, gt
# BC generator
class BCGenerator(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, c, XY, batch_size=64, rng_seed=1234):
self.c = torch.tensor(c, dtype = torch.float32)
self.XY = torch.tensor(XY, dtype = torch.float32)
self.N = c.shape[0]
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.seed = rng_seed
def __len__(self):
return (self.N // self.batch_size) + 1
def __getitem__(self, index):
c, XY= self.__data_generation(index)
return c, XY
def __data_generation(self, index):
torch.manual_seed(self.seed + index)
idx = torch.randperm(self.N)[:self.batch_size]
c = self.c[idx, :]
XY = self.XY[idx, :]
return c, XY
batch_size = 5000
train_domain = DataGenerator(conditions_domain, XYs_domain, gts_domain, batch_size)
train_inlet = BCGenerator(conditions_bc_inlet, XYs_bc_inlet, batch_size)
train_wall = BCGenerator(conditions_bc_wall, XYs_bc_wall, batch_size)
train_outlet = BCGenerator(conditions_bc_outlet, XYs_bc_outlet, batch_size)
3.2.8. Define Networks and Hyper-parameter¶
class MLP(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim):
self.linears = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(input_dim, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 100),
nn.Linear(100, 100)
def init_weights(self):
for m in self.modules():
if isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
if m.bias is not None:
def forward(self, x):
a = x.float()
return self.linears(a)
# Initialize model
dim_vis = 1
branch_net_u = MLP(input_dim = dim_vis).to(device)
branch_net_v = MLP(input_dim = dim_vis).to(device)
branch_net_p = MLP(input_dim = dim_vis).to(device)
trunk_net_u = MLP(input_dim = 2).to(device)
trunk_net_v = MLP(input_dim = 2).to(device)
trunk_net_p = MLP(input_dim = 2).to(device)
optimizer = optim.Adam(
list(branch_net_u.parameters()) + list(branch_net_v.parameters()) + list(branch_net_p.parameters()) +
list(trunk_net_u.parameters()) + list(trunk_net_v.parameters()) + list(trunk_net_p.parameters()), lr=5e-4)
Loss_func = nn.MSELoss(reduction='mean')
3.2.9. Define Utility Function¶
def PIDeepOnet(model, con_, XY_):
model = [branch_net_u, branch_net_v,branch_net_p, trunk_net_u, trunk_net_v, trunk_net_p]
branch_net_u = model[0]
branch_net_v = model[1]
branch_net_p = model[2]
trunk_net_u = model[3]
trunk_net_v = model[4]
trunk_net_p = model[5]
B1 = branch_net_u(con_)
B2 = branch_net_v(con_)
B3 = branch_net_p(con_)
T1 = trunk_net_u(XY_)
T2 = trunk_net_v(XY_)
T3 = trunk_net_p(XY_)
u = torch.sum(B1 * T1, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
v = torch.sum(B2 * T2, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
p = torch.sum(B3 * T3, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
return u, v, p
def derivative(y, t) :
df = torch.autograd.grad(y, t, create_graph = True, retain_graph = True, grad_outputs = torch.ones(y.size()).to(device))[0]
df_x = df[:, 0:1]
df_y = df[:, 1:2]
return df_x, df_y
def requires_grad(x):
return torch.tensor(x, requires_grad = True).to(device)
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
import scipy.interpolate
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from IPython.display import clear_output
def PLOT(branch_net_u, branch_net_v, branch_net_p, trunk_net_u, trunk_net_v, trunk_net_p):
def interpolate_output(x, y, us,extent):
"Interpolates irregular points onto a mesh"
# define mesh to interpolate onto
xyi = np.meshgrid(
np.linspace(extent[0], extent[1], 100),
np.linspace(extent[2], extent[3], 100),
# linearly interpolate points onto mesh
us = [scipy.interpolate.griddata(
(x, y), u, tuple(xyi)
for u in us]
return us
with torch.no_grad():
count = 0
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 4))
for i, gt in enumerate(gts):
if i != 2 and i != 6:
XY = XY_[i]
x = XY[:,0]
y = XY[:,1]
u = gt[:,0]
v = gt[:,1]
# p = gt[:,2]
gt_vel = np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2)
num_col = len(gt)
c_tmp = np.full((num_col, 1), vis_list[i])
c_test = torch.tensor(c_tmp).to(device)
XY_test = torch.tensor(XY).to(device)
B_u = branch_net_u(c_test)
B_v = branch_net_v(c_test)
T_u = trunk_net_u(XY_test)
T_v = trunk_net_v(XY_test)
u_pred = torch.sum(B_u * T_u, dim=1)
v_pred = torch.sum(B_v * T_v, dim=1)
vel_pred = np.sqrt(u_pred.detach().cpu().numpy()**2 + v_pred.detach().cpu().numpy()**2)
gt_inter, vel_inter, e_inter = interpolate_output(x, y,
[gt_vel, vel_pred, np.abs(gt_vel - vel_pred)],
[-0.5, 1.5, -0.5, 0.5])
plt.subplot(2, 3, (count * 3) +1)
if count == 0:
plt.title('Ground Truth', fontsize=15)
plt.imshow(gt_inter.T, origin = 'lower', extent=[-0.5, 1.5, -0.5, 0.5], vmin = np.min(gt_vel), vmax = np.max(gt_vel), cmap = 'jet')
shp = patches.Circle((0, 0), radius=0.04, color='white')
plt.ylabel('Vis: {}'.format(vis_list[i][0]), fontsize=13)
plt.subplot(2, 3, (count * 3) + 2)
if count == 0:
plt.title('Prediction', fontsize=15)
plt.imshow(vel_inter.T, origin = 'lower', extent = [-0.5, 1.5, -0.5, 0.5], vmin = np.min(gt_vel), vmax = np.max(gt_vel), cmap = 'jet')
shp = patches.Circle((0, 0), radius=0.04, color='white')
plt.subplot(2, 3, (count * 3) + 3)
if count == 0:
plt.title('Error', fontsize=15)
plt.imshow(e_inter.T, origin = 'lower', extent = [-0.5, 1.5, -0.5, 0.5], vmin = 0, vmax = 0.3, cmap = 'jet')
shp = patches.Circle((0, 0), radius = 0.04, color = 'white')
count += 1
XY_ = np.concatenate((train_xy_domain[0:2], test_xy_domain[0:1], train_xy_domain[2:5], test_xy_domain[1:2], train_xy_domain[5:]), 0)
gts = np.concatenate((train_gt_domain[0:2], test_gt_domain[0:1], train_gt_domain[2:5], test_gt_domain[1:2], train_gt_domain[5:]), 0)
3.2.10. Define PDE with Boundary Conditions¶
- 2D Navier-Stokes Equations & boundary conditions (for steady state)
$$ \begin{align*} \rho \left(u{\partial u \over \partial x} + v{\partial u \over \partial y} + {1 \over \rho}{\partial p \over \partial x}\right) - \mu \ \left({\partial^2 u \over {\partial x^2}} + {\partial^2 u \over {\partial y^2}}\right) &= 0\\\\ \rho \left(u{\partial v \over \partial x} + v{\partial v \over \partial y} + {1 \over \rho}{\partial p \over \partial y}\right) - \mu \ \left({\partial^2 v \over {\partial x^2}} + {\partial^2 v \over {\partial y^2}}\right) &= 0\\\\ {\partial u \over \partial x} + {\partial v \over \partial y} &= 0 \end{align*} $$
def PDE(model, c_domain, XY_domain):
u, v, p = PIDeepOnet(model, c_domain, XY_domain)
du_x, du_y = derivative(u, XY_domain)
du_xx, _ = derivative(du_x, XY_domain)
_, du_yy = derivative(du_y, XY_domain)
dv_x, dv_y = derivative(v, XY_domain)
dv_xx, _ = derivative(dv_x, XY_domain)
_, dv_yy = derivative(dv_y, XY_domain)
dp_x, dp_y = derivative(p, XY_domain)
vis = c_domain
pde_u = 1 * (u * du_x + v * du_y) + dp_x - vis * (du_xx + du_yy)
pde_v = 1 * (u * dv_x + v * dv_y) + dp_y - vis * (dv_xx + dv_yy)
pde_cont = du_x + dv_y
return pde_u.float(), pde_v.float(), pde_cont.float()
- Two Dirichlet boundary conditions on the plate boundary (no-slip condition),
$$u(x,y) = 0, \quad v(x,y) = 0 \qquad \text{at} \quad y = \frac{D}{2} \ \; \text{or} \; -\frac{D}{2}$$
- Two Dirichlet boundary conditions at the cylinder boundary
$$u(\text{cylinder}) = 0, \quad v(\text{cylinder}) = 0$$
- Two Dirichlet boundary conditions at the inlet boundary
$$u(-1,y) = u_{\text{in}}, \quad v(-1,y) = 0$$
- Two Dirichlet boundary conditions at the outlet boundary
$$p(1,y) = 0, \quad v(1,y) = 0$$
Boundary Conditions¶
def BC_wall(model, con_wall, XY_wall):
wall_u, wall_v, _ = PIDeepOnet(model, con_wall, XY_wall)
return wall_u.float(), wall_v.float()
def BC_inlet(model, con_inlet, XY_inlet):
inlet_u, inlet_v, _ = PIDeepOnet(model, con_inlet, XY_inlet)
inlet_u = inlet_u - torch.ones_like(inlet_u).to(device)
return inlet_u.float(), inlet_v.float()
def BC_outlet(model, con_outlet, XY_outlet):
_, outlet_v, outlet_p = PIDeepOnet(model, con_outlet, XY_outlet)
return outlet_v.float(), outlet_p.float()
3.2.11. Train¶
epoch = 0
num_epochs = 150000
min_loss = np.inf
train_domain_iter = iter(train_domain)
train_wall_iter = iter(train_wall)
train_inlet_iter = iter(train_inlet)
train_outlet_iter = iter(train_outlet)
while epoch < num_epochs + 1:
train_domain_batch = next(train_domain_iter)
train_wall_batch = next(train_wall_iter)
train_inlet_batch = next(train_inlet_iter)
train_outlet_batch = next(train_outlet_iter)
con_domain, XY_domain, gt_domain = train_domain_batch
con_wall, XY_wall = train_wall_batch
con_inlet, XY_inlet = train_inlet_batch
con_outlet, XY_outlet = train_outlet_batch
############### Reguires grad #################
con_domain, XY_domain, gt_domain = requires_grad(con_domain), requires_grad(XY_domain), requires_grad(gt_domain)
'Boundary Conditions'
con_wall, XY_wall = requires_grad(con_wall), requires_grad(XY_wall) # BC wall
con_inlet, XY_inlet = requires_grad(con_inlet), requires_grad(XY_inlet) # BC inlet
con_outlet, XY_outlet = requires_grad(con_outlet), requires_grad(XY_outlet) # BC outlet
model = [branch_net_u, branch_net_v, branch_net_p, trunk_net_u, trunk_net_v, trunk_net_p]
u, v, p = PIDeepOnet(model, con_domain, XY_domain)
################# Data loss ###################
loss_data_u = Loss_func(u.float(), gt_domain[:, 0:1].float())
loss_data_v = Loss_func(v.float(), gt_domain[:, 1:2].float())
loss_data_p = Loss_func(p.float(), gt_domain[:, 2:3].float())
loss_data = loss_data_u + loss_data_v + loss_data_p
################## PDE loss ###################
PDE_u, PDE_v, PDE_cont = PDE(model, con_domain, XY_domain)
loss_PDE_u = Loss_func(PDE_u, torch.zeros_like(PDE_u).to(device))
loss_PDE_v = Loss_func(PDE_v, torch.zeros_like(PDE_v).to(device))
loss_PDE_cont = Loss_func(PDE_cont, torch.zeros_like(PDE_cont).to(device))
loss_pde = loss_PDE_u + loss_PDE_v + loss_PDE_cont
################## BC loss ####################
wall_u, wall_v = BC_wall(model, con_wall, XY_wall)
inlet_u, inlet_v = BC_inlet(model, con_inlet, XY_inlet)
outlet_v, outlet_p = BC_outlet(model, con_outlet, XY_outlet)
loss_BC_wall_u = Loss_func(wall_u, torch.zeros_like(wall_u).to(device))
loss_BC_wall_v = Loss_func(wall_v, torch.zeros_like(wall_v).to(device))
loss_BC_inlet_u = Loss_func(inlet_u, torch.zeros_like(inlet_u).to(device))
loss_BC_inlet_v = Loss_func(inlet_v, torch.zeros_like(inlet_v).to(device))
loss_BC_outlet_v = Loss_func(outlet_v, torch.zeros_like(outlet_v).to(device))
loss_BC_outlet_p = Loss_func(outlet_p, torch.zeros_like(outlet_p).to(device))
loss_BC_wall = loss_BC_wall_u + loss_BC_wall_v
loss_BC_inlet = loss_BC_inlet_u + loss_BC_inlet_v
loss_BC_outlet =loss_BC_outlet_v + loss_BC_outlet_p
loss_bc = loss_BC_wall + loss_BC_inlet + loss_BC_outlet
loss = 10 * loss_data + 0.1 * loss_bc + 0.01 * loss_pde
if epoch % 100 == 0:
with torch.no_grad():
print('Epoch: {} Loss: {:.4f} DATALoss: {:.4f} PDELoss: {:.4f} BCLoss: {:.4f}'.format(epoch, loss.item(), 10 * loss_data.item(), 0.01 * loss_pde.item(), 0.1 * loss_bc.item()))
PLOT(branch_net_u, branch_net_v, branch_net_p, trunk_net_u, trunk_net_v, trunk_net_p)
epoch += 1
3.3. Test Pretrained Model¶
with torch.no_grad():
branch1_test = torch.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/weight/flow_around_a_cylinder/fac_branch_net_u.pt')
branch2_test = torch.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/weight/flow_around_a_cylinder/fac_branch_net_v.pt')
branch3_test = torch.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/weight/flow_around_a_cylinder/fac_branch_net_p.pt')
trunk1_test = torch.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/weight/flow_around_a_cylinder/fac_trunk_net_u.pt')
trunk2_test = torch.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/weight/flow_around_a_cylinder/fac_trunk_net_v.pt')
trunk3_test = torch.load('/content/drive/MyDrive/tutorials/기계인공지능연구회/본부학술대회_241106/DeepONet/weight/flow_around_a_cylinder/fac_trunk_net_p.pt')
PLOT(branch1_test, branch2_test, branch3_test, trunk1_test, trunk2_test, trunk3_test)
3.4. Interpolation Visualization¶