
By Prof. Seungchul Lee
Industrial AI Lab at POSTECH

Table of Contents

1. Stability of Open Loop System

  • In order for a system $G(s)={N(s) \over D(s)}$ to be stable all of the roots of the characteristic polynomial need to lie in the left-half plane (LHP).
    • The characteristic equation is the denominator of the transfer function.
    • The roots of the characteristic equation are the exact same as the poles of the transfer function.
    • The eigenvalues of matrix $A$ in the equivalent state space representation are the same as the roots of the characteristic polynomial.
    • In order to have a stable system, roots of $G(s)$ must be in LHP.

$$ G(s) = {1 \over s+a} $$

$$ \mathscr{L}^{-1}(G(s)) = e^{-at} u(t) $$

  • When a pole is negative
    • This root exists in the left half plane
    • Transfer function will ultimately die out
    • The system will eventually be at rest (stable)
  • When a pole is positive
    • This root exists in the right half plane
    • Transfer function will blow up into infinity
    • The system is unstable
  • Transfer function of multiple poles

$$ \begin{align*} G(s) &= {1 \over s+1} \centerdot {1 \over s+3} \centerdot {1 \over s-2}\\\\ G(s) &= {A \over s+1} + {B \over s+3} + {C \over s-2} \\\\ \mathscr{L}^{-1}(G(s)) &= Ae^{-t} + Be^{-3t} + Ce^{2t} \end{align*} $$

  • The last one blows up to infinity to make the whole transfer function unstable
  • Conclusion: a single root in the right half plane makes the whole system unstable

2. Routh-Hurwitz Criterion

Calculating the roots of the system for larger than the second-order polynomial becomes time-consuming and possibly even impossible in a closed-form

  • How can we determine the stability of a higher order polynomial without solving for the roots directly?
    • The great thing about the Routh-Hurwitz criterion is that we do not have to solve for the roots of the characteristic equation

      $$G(s) = {1 \over s^4 + 3s^3-5s^2+s+2}$$

    • If all of the signs are not the same, the system is unstable
    • If you build up a transfer function with a series of poles, then the only way to get a negative coefficient is to have at least one pole exists in right-half plane
  • However, we cannot claim that all positive coefficients are still either stable or unstable

    $$ \begin{align*} G(s) &= \frac{1}{s^4 + 2s^3 + 3s^2 + 10s + 8} \\\\ &= {1 \over s^2-s+4} \centerdot {1 \over s+2} \centerdot {1 \over s+1} \end{align*} $$

2.1. Normal Case

Routh array is a table that can be populated with the coefficients of the polynomial with a few simple rules

  • The number of RHP roots of $D(s)$ is equal to the number of sign changes in the first column of the Routh array

$$As^6 + Bs^5 + Cs^4 + Ds^3 + Es^2 + Fs + G$$

  • Determine the number of roots in RHP by counting the number of sign changes
    • We can determine the number of roots in the right-half plane by looking at this first column
    • For example, it changes sign twice which means that there are two roots in the right half plane

$$G(s) = {1 \over s^4 + 2s^3 + 3s^2 + 10s + 8}$$

2.2. Special Case 1

  • A zero in a row with at least one non-zero appearing later in that same row
    • If you are attempting to access stability of the system, you do not need to complete the rest of the table at this point
    • The system is always unstable because completing Routh array will always result in a sign change of the first column

  • If you are interested in the number of roots located in the right half plane, you can complete the table like below
    • You replace that zero with the Greek symbol epsilon $\epsilon >0$

    • When you finish completing the table, you can take the limit as epsilon $\epsilon$ goes to zero

    • You can see that we still have two unstable roots or two roots in the right half plane

2.3. Special Case 2

  • The second special case is when there is an entire row of zeros, not just a single zero in the row

$$D(s) = s^5 + 2s^4 + 6s^3 + 10s^2 + 8s +12$$

  • Auxiliary polynomial $P(s)$: the row directly above the row of zeros

$$6s^2 + 12s^0 \implies P(s) = s^2 + 2 $$

  • Then $P(s)$ is a factor of the original polynomial $D(s)$

$$ \begin{align*} D(s) &= P(s) \cdot R(s) \\\\\\ s^5 + 2s^4 + 6s^3 + 10s^2 + 8s +12 & = \underbrace{(s^2 + 2)}_{\text{marginally stable}}\;\;\underbrace{(s^3 + 2s^2 + 4s + 6)}_{\text{stable}} \end{align*} $$

  • Apply the Routh-Hurwitz criterion again to $R(s)$

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3. Stability with State Space Representation

  • It is useful to start with scalar systems to get some intuition about what is going on

$$\dot{x} = ax \quad \implies x(t) = e^{at} x(0)$$

$$\begin{cases} a>0: \text{unstable}\\ a<0: \text{asymptotically stable}\\ a=0: \text{critically stable} \end{cases}$$

  • From scalars to matrices?

$$ \dot{x} = Ax + Bu \\ y = Cx + Du $$

  • We cannot say that $A>0$, but we can do the next best thing - eigenvalues !

$$Av = \lambda v$$

  • The eigenvalues tell us how the matrix $A$ 'acts' in different directions (eigenvectors)

$\begin{cases} \text{Re}\,(\lambda)>0: \text{unstable}\\ \text{Re}\,(\lambda)<0: \text{asymptotically stable}\\ \text{Re}\,(\lambda) \leq 0: \text{critically stable} \end{cases}$

4. Stability of Closed Loop System

  • We are interested in the stability of a closed loop system from an open loop system.
    • Stability of a closed loop system can also be determined from the open loop frequency response

4.1. Root Locus (Stability in Time)

  • The closed-loop system is

$$H(s) = \frac{KG}{1+KG}$$

  • A pole exists when the characteristic polynomial in the denominator becomes zero.

$$1+KG(s) = 0 \implies KG(s) = -1 = 1 \angle (2k+1) \pi, \quad k = 0, \pm1, \pm 2, \cdots$$

  • A value of $s^*$ is a closed loop pole if

$$\begin{cases} \lvert KG(s^*) \rvert = 1 \quad \implies \quad K = \frac{1}{\lvert G(s^*)\rvert}\\\\ \angle KG(s^*) = (2k+1)\pi \end{cases}$$

  • Closed-loop poles in the LHP indicate stability

    • The closeness of the poles to the RHP indicate how near to instability the system is

4.2. Relative Stability (Stability in Frequency)

  • Suppose the Bode plot of the open-loop transfer function is given.

  • Question: tell the stability of a closed-loop system from the open-loop frequency response

  • At 180$^o$ of phase lag of the loop, the reference and feedback signal are added.
    • If the magnitude of the loop is greater than 1 the error grows exponentially (unstable)

  • Relative stability is indicated by how close the open-loop frequency response is to the point of 180$^o$ of phase lag and a magnitude of 1
  • More specifically,
    • Gain margin is the distance from a magnitude of 1 (0 dB) at the frequency where $\phi = -180^o$ (phase crossover frequency)
    • Phase margin is the distance from a phase of -180$^o$ at the frequency where $M$ = 0 dB (gain crossover frequency)
  • In order to be stable, both gain and phase margin must be positive
  • Gain and phase margins tell how stable the system would be in closed-loop
    • These quantities can be read from the open-loop data
  • What if $K$ proportional controller is implemented?

  • More intuitively,
    • Gain margin indicates how much you can increase the loop gain $K$ before the system goes unstable
    • Phase margin indicates the amount of phase lag (time delay) you can add before the system goes unstable

by Prof. Richard Hill

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4.3. Relative Stability in MATLAB

Open-loop transfer function:

$$G(s) = \frac{1}{s^3+2s^2+s} = \frac{1}{s(s+1)^2}$$
In [5]:
G = tf(1,[1 2 1 0]);

Gm - Gain margin

Pm - Phase margin

Wcg - Gain crossover frequency

Wcp - Phase crossover frequency

In [6]:
[Gm,Pm,Wcg,Wcp] = margin(G)
Gm =


Pm =


Wcg =


Wcp =


In [7]:
ans =


Is stable the closed-loop system with a unity negative feedback?

In [8]:

Gain margin

$$CG(s) = 2 \times \frac{1}{s^3+2s^2+s}$$
In [9]:
GmG = Gm*G;

In [10]:

$$CG(s) = 4 \times \frac{1}{s^3+2s^2+s}$$
In [11]:
GmG = 4*G;

In [12]:

Phase margin

  • Add more delay
$$CG(s) = e^{-j \Phi} \times \frac{1}{s^3+2s^2+s}$$
In [13]:
PmG = exp(-j*Pm/180*pi)*G
PmG =
  s^3 + 2 s^2 + s
Continuous-time transfer function.

In [14]:
FG = feedback(PmG,1,-1);

t = linspace(0,100,1000);
u = ones(size(t));

[y, tout] = lsim(FG,u,t,0);
plot(tout, abs(y))

5. Stability in Nyquist Plot

  • The gain margin, $K_m = \frac{1}{\lvert G(j\omega) \rvert}$ when $\angle G(j \omega) = 180^o$
    • $K_m$ is the maximum stable gain in closed loop
    • It is easy to find the maximum stable gain from the Nyquist plot
  • The phase margin, $\Phi_m$ is the uniform phase change required to destabilize the system under unitary feedback
$$G(s) = \frac{20}{(s+1)(s+2)(s+3)}$$
In [15]:
s = tf('s');
G = 20/((s+1)*(s+2)*(s+3));

In [16]:
[Gm,Pm,Wcg,Wcp] = margin(G)
Gm =


Pm =


Wcg =


Wcp =


In [17]:

axis equal

In [18]:

axis equal

In [19]:
% expect instability for large Km


axis equal

In [20]:
PmG = exp(-j*Pm/180*pi)*G

PmG =
  s^3 + 6 s^2 + 11 s + 6
Continuous-time transfer function.

In [21]:

axis equal

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